Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Will you help me translate english to spanish?


^My question didn't go through before. It's just a little english I need translated to spanish..

Thank you.Will you help me translate english to spanish?
walk the dog

pasear al perro

feed the cat

alimentar al gato / dar de comer al gato

wash the clothes

lavar la ropa

clean the kitchen

limpiar la cocina

practice the piano

practicar piano

clean my room

limpiar mi habitaci贸n

do my homework

hacer mi tarea

arrange the shelf

ordenar el estante

cook the meal

cocinar / hacer la comida

clean the sink

limpiar el lavabo
GraciasWill you help me translate english to spanish?
Where is your attempt at translation? Surely you do not expect strangers to do your whole assignment for you. If they did, how would you know which was the best? That's why people are not answering. Will you help me translate english to spanish?
pasear el perro

dar de comer al gato

lavar la ropa

limpiar la cocina

practicar el piano

limpiar mi habitacion

hacer mis deberes

arreglar el estante

hacer la comida

limpiar la pila

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