Friday, February 3, 2012

Translate from spanish to english please?

Only people who actually know spanish please.

"Ay, no! Dijo sally. Ese gato no es sincero. No hables con ese gato, ese gato con sombrero. Hace demasiados trucos. No le prestes atencion. Tu ya sabes lo que hizo en la ultima ocasion"

I know already that it's something stupid. But please just translate it for me.Translate from spanish to english please?
Oh no! -Sally said. That is not an honest cat. Don't talk with that cat, that cat with a hat. He makes tricky things. Don't give attention to him. You already know what he did last time.Translate from spanish to english please?
Oh, no! Sally said. That cat is not sincere. Do not talk to that cat, that cat with hat. Makes too many tricks. You do not pay attention. You already know what he did on the last occasion Translate from spanish to english please?
don't worry my first language is Spanish. this is how u say it in English:

oh no, said sally. that cat isn't sincere. don't talk with that cat, that cat with a hat. he makes too much tricks. don't pay attention to him. you know what he made last time.

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